I am SO excited to do my first official blog post under my new blog design! A special shout out to Kassie over at Designs by Kassie for her AMAZING custom blog design. Thank you SO much!!
I have also started a Facebook page for Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten! Make sure to check it out and “like” me! I am loving all of these new ways to connect to other teachers. 🙂
I have been SO busy these last few weeks both in and out of my classroom! I just finished doing choreography for a musical at my old high school and have now started choreographing a musical for our middle school kids at the school I teach at! I know it’s crazy to be taking on all of these outside projects, but I’m glad that my bff & co-worker is choreographing with me!
I wanted to share some of my latest projects and freebies that I have been working on!
I finished some new literacy packs that focus on story elements. I LOVE doing units like this with my kindergartners and plan on using both of these packs later this year in my own classroom.
I recently became a fan of Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm by Joy Cowley, and realized that this is a great book to teach sequencing to my kiddos!
Your new blog looks great! Jayne
Smart Kids
Thank you so much!!
cool post