I am SO excited about both of my new summer TPT packs and feel like I have been a little MIA from blogging lately, so that means it’s time for a giveaway sweet friends!
I have been using my summer packs in my classroom this last week and my kids have been loving them. We have used them for morning work, centers, warm-ups, and even homework. The printables in this pack require NO PREP and review Kindergarten skills but have a fun summer theme!
Some of the topics included in this pack are:
– “Sweet”CVC words
-Sentence building worksheets
-Rhyming Words
-ABC Order
-“Tropical” 10 Frames
-“Cool” Combinations of 10
-“Beach Math” Story Problems
-“Beach Reading”
Here are some pictures from how I have used these packs in my OWN classroom this week:
My Swimming into Summer Pack is 85 pages long and is FULL of ALL of the fun pages above plus so much more! Click on the picture below to check out this pack on TPT:
My Summer Sentence Builders Pack is a quick and easy no prep pack perfect for centers or morning work! Children read, build, write, and draw a fun summer sentence on each page. Click on the picture below to check out the pack on TPT:
My kids absolutely LOVE doing these sentence builders!
And now for a little giveaway!
I will be giving away the following:
1 person will receive BOTH packs
1 person will receive Swimming into Summer
1 person will receive Summer Sentence Builders
The giveaway ends on Friday. Enter below!
I think the most fun thing we did was to do the memory hand print calendar. My kinders loved the hand prints and foot prints and the parents loved the calendars. Me, I'm broke but it was worth it! Then, there's the assessing, progress reports, inventories, supplies lists, etc. By the way, I checked out your two packs and they are super! I love how they are put together and would love them for my kiddos. I love the "no prep" and love your sentence builders. My kiddos love doing those but I don't have many. Have a great day.
We will be doing up our memory books and end the year with a picnic in the playground!
Awesome packets! Crossing my fingers…
We are planning a fun field trip to an indoor playground to celebrate the end of the year!
@1islandlover 🙂
We always create a rainbow fish. They each get to write a positive compliment for each student in class on a different colored scale. At the end of the activity, each child glues all their scales onto their fish. They love reading what their peers have to say about them and it brightens the room!! tinysmiles34@gmail.com
We are singing 2 songs in front of the parents. We are practicing the words and movements. We have 8 kinder classes getting ready.
Well, we are having a fairy tale ball for our end of the year literacy celebration in June. I love this and the kids always do too!
I am really looking forward to the last day of school…which is not until June 27th. I am planning a surprise pizza party and movie for the kidlettes, as well as an awards ceremony <3. As well, there will be a number of other goodies along the way! Thank you for your incredible generosity and for considering me =). leafsgirl@rogers.com.
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I am doing a balloon countdouwn! I work in SPED so my kiddos will be busy with their classes!
My school year is officially over! :o) We had a field day, awards assembly, talent show and a movie and popcorn of course!
We are going to watch a movie and on the last day we are going to spend all day at the park with the rest of the school!
Kindergarten graduation!
We will be doing an "I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed…" unit next week.
We will be doing all sorts of things: field day, awards assembly, and getting out of school early!
I just came across your blog today and I am in love! You have such great ideas and tpt items! 🙂
My Swimming into Summer Pack is 85 pages long and is FULL of ALL of … fairytailbackpack.blogspot.com