As the school year is wrapping up, I am already looking ahead to next year! I still have ONE MORE week of school, and am already thinking about next year and how I can organize my classroom and resources for my students. Yesterday, I blogged about some of the ways that I organize my classroom. I have been working this year on putting all of my resources and projects into monthly binders:
I created a resource on TPT that includes different versions of these binder covers, as well as cute binder spines to help keep teachers organized!
I have also teamed up with Educents with some instant downloads for you! It includes a full years worth of activities for your kindergarten classroom! So exciting because it’s stuff for now, in a few months from now, and all the way through the end of the school year! There are some AWESOME packs included in this bundle, and I am super excited to be included with all of these wonderful teachers. Check out the bundle below!
My products included will surely be loved by your students!
My Dinosaur Graphing and Writing pack is part of this bundle! I recently updated this pack, and it includes tree maps, writing templates, circle maps, and a fun graphing activity where your students get to “Vote” for their favorite dinosaur!
Hooray for Mrs. Wishy Washy!! I am currently using this pack in my OWN classroom, and don’t have a lot of pictures to post yet, but this is a great pack for teaching story elements to your class!
It includes activities about setting, characters, plot, and sequencing. There are also activities where students get to write their opinion and respond to parts of the story. Finally, this pack includes an emergent sight word reader called “In the Mud!”
For a limited time this bundle is $24.99 from Educents which is about 75% off!
18 instant downloads with over 1300 pages of materials you can use all year! It is truly an amazing deal!
Here’s a special offer for you!
If you decide to purchase this bundle using my affiliate link, I will give you your choice of a FREE item from my TPT store! Just send me an email at with the product of your choice! Don’t miss out on this great deal from Educents and a
FREEBIE from my store too! 🙂
You can also take peek at some of the other products included in the bundle at any of the links below!
It looks amazing!
I am very excited as my kid is ready for preschool. I am searching all over so that i can provide him the best education and atmosphere where he can enjoy the studies with refreshment of toys.
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