The school year is almost over, and it’s time to start working on CVCE words and long vowels with my students. I love using themed centers during our reading and phonics time. These CVCE crab matching puzzles are perfect to use as we work on long vowels and silent e!

This game is easy to prep. Simply print on cardstock and laminate. Then, cut out each crab card. Finally, cut out on the zig zag lines to create the puzzles. Students will practice matching the crab with the picture to the correct sand card with the CVCE word on it!
Keep reading to download this fun matching game.

Summer themed centers are perfect to keep my students motivated and excited as we wrap up the school year! These games were a BIG HIT in my classroom last year, and I can’t wait to use them again!

Hamburger CVC words, and editable sight word spinners are perfect to use during literacy centers! And smores & hot dog themed math centers are also tons of fun for our math block!
We also start working on our Kindergarten Memory flip books this month!
Read more about these fun flip books here!
Find the flip books in my TPT store here!

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